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How to play

Starters Rule Book

A starting rule book of Astrom Cross TCG/CCG. This booklet will give you the basic knowledge to play the game.

2 Pages quick review on the Astrom Cross TCG/CCG rules.  Perfect for on the go.

Quick Manual


Card Types

Play mat


Official Rule Book

The comprehensive rule book of Astrom Cross TCG/CCG. Everything a hard-core player needs to know.

Beginning of the game:

      -Choose which player will begin by using any random method of your choice.

      -Each player reveals their ancient card and draw cards equal to its ancient's hand size.

      -Each player might put any number of cards from their hand to the bottom of their decks and redraw the same amount once the shuffle the deck, this is called, Mulligan.

Beginning Of Turn:

   During this phase:

   1. READY any Rest positioned card you control. Keep in mind that you can only ready cards during this phase and that only a ready-positioned warrior can attack, support, or use the rest ability; Also, a rest-positioned warrior may also be attacked during your opponent's turn.

         Positioning rules (Ready/Rest/Stun):

            •  Ready: ready to take action.

            •  Rest: can’t make an action, but it can be attacked.

            •  Stun: lose all abilities and will be ready during its next "beginning of turn".

   2. Apply any "Beginning of turn" effects.


Draw Phase:   

   1. DRAW A CARD from the top of your deck to your hand (Yes! The 1st player DO draw a card).

•Location Phase:

   -Reveal the top card of your location deck, move it to an empty terrain zone, or exchange an existing location with the new one by sending the old location back to the bottom of your location deck.

   -Note: You may skip your location phase to draw an additional card from the top of your main deck.

•Main Phase:

   During this phase, you may do the following in any order.

      MOVING POSITION: Once during your turn, a player is allowed to move the position of ONE warrior by one space (horizontal or vertical), but if the terrain you are moving it to is full you may switch those warriors.

      SUMMONING WARRIORS: To summon a warrior you must first count that you have the number of locations with the specified attributes required to do so. Then put the warrior into an open location.

      - CASTING EVENTS & ITEMS: To cast an event or item, you must first count that you have the number of locations with the specific attributes required to cast it. Also, the check to meet any requirements. Then, choose its target and put it into the Arcana so that the opponent may see its effect and respond to it, or on the warrior they are targeting for "item gears". Once the event is cast and its effect resolved, it remains in the arcana until the end of the turn when is sent to the grave.

      - SET AN ENTITY: To set an entity, put the card with [HIDE] face down into the field, no cost or requirements are needed to do so.

      - SOUL CHARGE: Players can also, rest their ancient to move a card from their hand to their soul stock and draw a card.


         > CONSUME TO WASTELAND: Some costs require that you flip down a number of locations with specific attributes, this is called "consume to a wasteland". Once a location becomes a wasteland, it loses its abilities and attributes, however, they can still be used for warriors to stand and to pay for non-attribute costs.

         > SOUL COST: Some costs are required to pay for a soul. To do so simply move to the grave the number of souls from your soul stock zone.

•Battle Phase:

   Players perform actions in this phase in the following order:

      -ATTACKING STEP: At this time choose which of your warriors is going to attack/team attack by putting them in a rest position and declare the target (a warrior in a rest position or an ancient). Then apply any keyword ability, or “When attacking/battling” ability on the warrior attacking if any (Keeping in mind that a warrior can only attack once per turn).

      -DEFENDING STEP: During this step, the opponent who is been the target of the attack can respond by declaring a “Ready” warrior to defend against an attack declared to an ancient. The defending player can also team up with an attacked warrior to boost the defender’s power. Then apply any keyword ability or any “When defending/battling” ability on the warrior defending if any.

      -TECHNIQUE STEP: In this step, the warriors battling may use techniques or abilities to change the outcome of the battle (Keep in mind that the active player always has priority).

      -COMBAT STEP: During this step, combat between warriors or teams begins and both players compare the power of the warriors. Then warriors battle against each other by calculating the warrior’s power and applying any damage dealt to the players if any.  Use the following rules to decide the outcome of a battle:

            -Attacker’s Pow > Defender’s Pow: The attacker won and destroy the defending warrior.

            -Attacker’s Pow = Defender’s Pow: The battle is declared a draw, and both warriors are destroyed.

            -Attacker’s Pow < Defender’s Pow: Attacker’s warrior lost and is destroyed.

      -DAMAGE STEP: During this step, you apply any strikes dealt to an ancient by moving the given number of cards from the top of your deck to your soul stock, and as you do perform a “Trigger Check” by looking for a trigger symbol on the top left corner, right beside the card’s Damage Value. if the card has a yellow thunder, you may choose to cast the card using its

trigger effect even if the cost is not met. Then send those cards to your soul

stock once the triggers are resolved. Then apply any damage on the

revealed cards to your ancient. After the damage step, you may go back

to the attacking step to attack with another warrior if any.

      -END STEP: Once all battles are resolved, the players enter the end step, which announces the end of the battle phase.

•End Of Turn:

   Upon ending the battle phase you’ll pass to the end of the turn. At this time you are required to complete the following actions:

      1. Apply any “At the end of turn” effect

      2. Recover all damage dealt to warriors during the current turn.

      3. End all until the end of turn effects.

      4. Send to the grave all used action/techniques.

      5. Verify the number of cards in your hand and adjust it to your ancient's hand size by discarding any extra cards you may have in your hand.

      “Note”: After this action is taken your opponent starts his/her own turn immediately with the beginning of Turn.

•End Of Game:

   Repeat the turn phases giving damage to your opponent's ancients until an ancient reach the limit.          Once you destroyed your opponent's ancient you are declare the winner.

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